The Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs)
Bhanpur Kallan Jaipur

The National Institute for Implementation Research on Non Communicable Diseases came into existence on 07th December 2019. The institute is located in Jodhpur and it replaces the erstwhile Desert Medicine Research Centre. The institute has state of the art facility to conduct basic laboratory based research in its microbiology, biochemistry and vector biology laboratories. The institute is acquiring manpower and facilities for strengthening it's capacity for conducting implementation research in non- communicable diseases. At present, the institute has a set of 10 dedicated scientists, 9 technical experts, ably supported by 28 administrative and support staff. The thrust areas of research are cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, environmental health, nutritional disorders, cancers, injury & trauma, mental illnesses including substance abuse, genetic diseases and other non-communicable diseases of public health significance in India. The institute aspires to carry out implementation research in the thrust areas, provide training for capacity building in implementation research in other academic and research institutions, develop behavior change communication materials and models for tackling risk factors of various non communicable diseases. The institute heartily welcomes collaboration with institutions and individuals with interest in augmenting the thrust areas.
MRHRU Scheme of DHR, MoHFW was launched in 2013 and it aims at taking the modern health care technology to rural people. The objective of the setting up of MRHRU in different states of India by the Department of Health Research is to strengthen the health research infrastructure in the rural set up, aiming at transfer of modern technologies to the rural areas for diagnosis and better management of diseases. 15 MRHRUs established in various States in a 1st Phase. Each MRHRU has been set up in proximity to the state health facility (Community / Primary Health Centre at block level). The MRHRU of Rajasthan has been established at Bhanpur Kalan village of Jaipur District. MRHRU, Rajasthan has the three key partners: (1) State Health Service, (2) NIIRNCD, Jodhpur, (3) SMS Medical College, Jaipur.
Major Functions of MRHRU:
The Model Rural Health Research Units (MRHRUs) would be required to develop necessary expertise to positively impact the health systems and services being provided to the common man. The mechanism would also empower state system to actively decide their agenda based on proper intervention at public health level and assess the effect of interventions. To meet this objective, The MRHRUs would, inter alia, undertake the following functions:
- To develop State/area specific models depending upon the disease profile, topography, morbidity patterns and local conditions for transfer of the technology for providing better health care services to the rural masses by supporting and undertaking relevant research on local health issues as per the priorities identified by the State Govt. in close coordination with State health authorities. Special focus will be given to tribal areas, hilly terrain, and remote areas.
- To create a state-wide research capability within the context of building the National Research Infrastructure, including training the health professionals of State Health System to enable them to carry out health research in the use of modern technologies and to replicate the models at local level.
- To facilitate the transfer of appropriate technologies, existing and new, to make them available and accessible to target populations.
- To undertake various research projects in close coordination with the State Government Institutions and others that are relevant and beneficial to the rural population.
These Units would function in an operational research mode and would serve as model units to transfer the technology to the state system for its applicability and feasibility in the rural settings. These units will undertake/translate the research under the basic, applied and clinical discipline for the use of population in that area. MRHRUs are being set up in the states to develop state area specific models depending upon the disease profile, morbidity pattern and local conditions for developing/ adapting technologies and for transfer of technologies to state health system for providing better healthcare services to the rural people. The scheme also envisages training the health professional of State health system for the use of modern field adaptable methods and model(s) developed through health research to be conducted at MRHRU.